By Amelia Radores
A Kansas City father and son’s conspiracy were the subject of a multiple federal offense involving the Bank of Blue Valley. Kevin James, 57 and his son Charlie were formally accused of fraud and failure to submit their actual financial statements as required by the Blue Valley Bank and obtained a loan to hide their dwindling financial condition.
The banks’ funding was augmented under the US Treasury’s Troubled Asset Relief Program (TARP). TARP was a program launched in 2008 through Emergency Economic Stabilization Act of 2008 under the Bush administration.
The father and son duo were part owners of KC United LLC, a holding company for five Kansas construction companies. In separate convictions, Kevin James was charged with ten counts of bank fraud, eight counts of wire fraud and one count for conspiracy to defraud the United States, while his son Charlie M. James was charged with four counts of wire fraud, one count to defraud the United States and one count of bankruptcy fraud.
The discovery of the fraud led the bank to write off the loans at a loss of over $877,000, according to Christy Romero, Special Inspector General for Tarp (SIGTARP). The SIGTARP was tasked to be vigilant and committed in combatting fraud and any abuses in relation to the implementation of the government program. According to its report to Congress, SIGTARP has more than 150 ongoing cases on violations of the program and has recovered $151 million.
If convicted of these federal offenses, James and son will face up to 30 years imprisonment and a fine of up to $1 million.
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