
Editorial Contributors to AdviceOnLoan

Small Business Finance Institute (SBFI) offers resources to commercial lenders to meet the challenges of client financing, industry changes and career advancement. In today’s changing economic conditions, evolving financial sector and competitive business, meeting our own standards will require extraordinary effort.

SBFI offers this platform in pursuit of our stated goal to become the leading source of Small Business Finance Institute 700x700current news and insight about small business lending, consistent with the mission to foster a stronger, more profitable and responsive small business capital marketplace through better information, training, and mobility for individual commercial lenders.

Our primary communication channel is through our ADVICEONLOAN pages. Here SBFI provides context, commentary and tutorials around the various issues faced by commercial lenders, the greater financial industry and economy around us.

SBFI contributors range from experienced commercial lenders, to small business advisors, to business thought leaders. Each of them offers a unique perspective on the financing sector along their ideas and reactions, with the aim to illuminate more information and provoke alternative consideration.

We hope you return to this site regularly and stay tuned in to our reports about current news, issues and events and how they affect commercial lending. Meanwhile, please connect to the links above to meet our editorial contributors.

The Small Business Finance Institute was founded on the premise of providing sound, germane and principled information and resources to support and promote the commercial lending sector and its participants. We advocate distribution of credit capital in a prudent, responsible manner that utilizes time-tested, regulatory compliant practices, which inures to the benefit of all stakeholders.

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